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Saturday 28th June 2025

Cancellation of the l’Ariégeoise 2021

Publié dans News

According to the most recent directives of the Ministère de l’Education Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports, placed on line 19 May 2021, we are totally responsible for planning the starts in a way that ensures that the participants of the different waves do not intersect at any moment BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the event.

The Local Government administration of our department confirmed this requirement after consulting the Ministry.

Additionally, we also are obliged to put into place strict segregation at the start and finish sites and encourage cyclists who have crossed the finish line to leave as quickly as possible for their homes or where they are staying, so as to avoid groups of more than 10 people.

We took all these considerations into account to try and solve an apparently insoluble equation.

We can guarantee no solution that exactly meets the Government’s social distancing requirements given the specificities of our circuits.

Taking all these considerations and obligations into account, and in addition an inevitable total lack of the friendly atmosphere that is an intrinsic part of our event, we are thus unable to take responsibility for organizing the l’Ariégeoise 2021.

So, with great disappointment and considerable frustration we regret to announce the cancellation of the 2021 edition of the l’Ariégeoise.

However, this public health crisis has stimulated us to evolve and over the past 14 months we have been working on a new project:

“The Ongoing Ariégeoise”

This project goes hand in hand with the launch of Club 365, the l’Ariégeoise community. The time has come to unveil these unprecedented concepts.

Stay connected for the official presentation of this project on 31 May at 18.00h.

Despite the economic and financial problems caused by this cancellation, we offer several solutions to those already engaged: 

  • A total refund, as in 2020, of your engagement fee.
  • Carrying over your engagement fee to the 2022 edition.
  • Carrying over your engagement fee with no additional charge to join the Club 365, the l’Ariégeoise community, to be able to participate for free in the Ongoing Ariégeoise and take advantage of the numerous benefits offered by the l’Ariégeoise community.
  • Transforming your engagement fee into sponsorship.

You will shortly be provided with information on what to do to let us know your choice.