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Saturday 28th June 2025

Citizenship and the environment


Protecting the environment and applying the principles of sustainable development are fundamental duties for all actors in society. L’Ariégeoise Cyclosportive intends to assume its responsibilities in this area.
Cycling, which does not require heavy infrastructure, is an outdoor activity beneficial to health and a clean means of transport. By its very nature, cycling is a respectful activity towards the environment and is closely linked to it.

With these sporting values, L’Ariégeoise Cyclosportive is committed to the environment in each of its actions.

The Charter of L’Ariégeoise Cyclosportive:

1 – Nature is beautiful, and the road is not a bin. In all circumstances: walks, training, or competitions, I keep my waste and packaging until I find a proper place to dispose of them.

2 – For my safety, I wear a helmet and show civility towards motorists.

3 – Cycling is an excellent sport for health. I commit to not taking any doping products to optimize my performance.

L’Ariégeoise Cyclosportive: Green Event Label

We are proud to announce that L’Ariégeoise Cyclosportive has obtained the Rose label from the Green Events Charter.

This label reflects our commitment to organizing an eco-friendly and accessible event for all, while highlighting environmental and social values.

What is an eco-friendly event?

An eco-friendly event aims to reduce its impact on the environment while being inclusive for all audiences. This label is the result of a partnership with the Regional Natural Park of the Ariège Pyrenees and the Ariège Pyrenees Tourist Development Agency (ADT), aiming to enhance local economic benefits, reduce environmental impacts, and promote social connections.

More information on this link.

We have achieved the Rose level of the label, meaning we have not only met the basic requirements (Green level) and implemented specific actions (Yellow level), but also integrated additional actions in all areas of the charter. This includes continuous evaluation of our practices and constant improvements.

Our objectives:

  • Local and supportive economy: We buy local products for supplies and volunteer rewards.
    • 99 kg of dry sausage and 90 kg of fresh sausage from Charcuterie Commenges.
    • 52 kg of cheese from Fromagerie Faup.
    • 50 loaves of bread for the closing meal from Isabelle Guibet bakery.
    • 10 farm and artisanal products from Maison Lacube, 10 mini bottles and hypocras jelly from SARL Ségulas, and 26 packs of biscuits from Le Moulin (volunteer rewards).
  • Access and cohesion: Make the event accessible to all and promote social cohesion.
  • Waste management: At supply points and at the finish site with the installation of sorting points throughout the site.
    • Purchase of packaging-free products (cheese, sausage, fruits…).
    • For the post-race meal, the caterer follows a specification: biodegradable trays and cups, wooden cutlery.
    • Sorting containers were provided by SMECTOM at the finish site.
  • Biodiversity: Consider and protect local biodiversity.
    • Our ecological signage is reusable or biodegradable.
  • Awareness and education: Inform and educate about eco-friendly practices.
    • Awareness actions for participants.
  • Travel: Reduce the environmental impact of travel.
    • Electric vehicle for the opening of La Passejade.
    • Promotion of soft modes of transport to get to the event.
  • Renewable energy and water: Promote the use of renewable energy and save water.
    • Distribution of water glasses or filling runners’ bottles at supply points.
    • Plan to set up water ramps to reduce packaging and the environmental impact related to water transport.


Enedis continues its partnership with L’Ariégeoise around two common values: respect for the environment and safety.

Having become a company with a mission, Enedis acts for the environment by integrating climate issues, biodiversity preservation, and natural resources into its activities.

As a responsible and civic company, it attaches paramount importance to the safety of its agents as well as that of third parties. This is why we will again see this year the motorcyclists in charge of race safety and organization wearing vests in Enedis colors.