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Saturday 28th June 2025


Without Volunteers, this event could not exist!


The volunteers are an integral part of the organisation for the Ariègeoise: They support the runners, but in a different way then the spectators.

With 5.000 participants, more than 700 volunteers are essential for the start, finish and entire race.

The main attributes of the volunteer team are to be friendly and make everyone feel welcome into the beautiful region.

If you wish to be a member of the adventure, please contact us.
Join Mrs Fabienne ESQUIROL: ariegeoise.cycloclub@wanadoo.fr

Departure location

The day before the race in Tarascon there will be easy access to the stalls and stands that represent the race. The riders, their families and friends are all welcome to see what’s on offer.

A lot of this event is only achieved because of our volunteers who help and direct all the cyclists, their families and friends in the right way. The management of parking, pedestrians, and holding of the information point are also done by the volunteer teams

More specific to the cyclists, volunteers organise and hand out the race bags containing their race numbers, tickets and stickers and drinks for the riders too.

Finally, the early morning of race day, in a completely different atmosphere, the volunteers have to offer a hot drink to the cyclists and to direct them to the airlocks for departure. All this team join the departure point to give the start of the race, emotions guaranteed!


About 500 people are needed along the course of the race to ensure the control and security for the riders, spectators and of course the environment.

Finish line

The finish line only comes to life on race day.

It is important to prepare and to manage the reception of thousands of tired cyclists, their families and friends.

First of all, some will have the honour of congratulating the cyclists from the finishing line. Afterward, these champions will eat and drink.

Many people are needed to control the public for example: to take care of bikes in a watched parking, of the broadcasting of the results on big screen, to distribute the meals or to organize the massage sessions