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Saturday 28th June 2025



The ARIÉGEOISE is a mass cycling event on public roads, organized under the auspices of the French Cycling Federation. It will take place on Saturday, June 29, 2024, offering 5 routes with a start in Tarascon sur Ariège and a finish at Ax 3 Domaines.
Only the cyclosportive routes will be timed: the Ariégeoise, the Mountagnole, and the Rapaillou. The routes “Elles font l’Ariégeoise, La Passéjade / Passéjad’Elec” are untimed and without ranking.


Upon registration, every participant acknowledges having read this regulation as well as that of the French Cycling Federation, accepts its clauses in their entirety, and accepts the risks associated with their participation, including health risks, falls and collisions, as well as risks associated with traffic and weather conditions.


Cyclosportive Events:

  • The Ariégeoise: open to everyone, licensed and unlicensed, aged 18 and over on the day of the event.
  • The Mountagnole: open to everyone, licensed and unlicensed, aged 17 and over on the day of the event.
  • The Rapaillou: open to everyone, licensed and unlicensed, aged 17 and over on the day of the event.

According to the provisions of the French Cycling Federation

Participants who are members of the French Cycling Federation or another federation practicing competitive cycling (UFOLEP, FSGT) must complete the registration form and upload a full copy of their valid competitive license (season 2023/2024).
Non-competitive licenses or licenses from other sports will be rejected, and a compliant medical certificate will be required.

For FFTRI members, only “competitive women’s” licenses will be accepted. A compliant certificate will be required for all other FFTRI members.

Other participants (FFVélo members or members of other federations), foreign cyclists (holding a regional, national, and/or UCI license), and non-members must complete the registration form and upload a compliant medical certificate, indicating no contraindication to participating in competitive cycling, dated within one year of the event date on our website.
Only the official medical certificate of the Ariégeoise (available in 3 languages and downloadable from our website) will be accepted.

FFH members must upload their FFH license and their classification certificate.

Minor cyclists, whether licensed or not, must adhere to the same rules and must provide a parental authorization and a medical certificate indicating no contraindication to participating in competitive cycling, dated within 6 months.

Rando Sportive Events:

  • Rando Sportive (Passejades): open to everyone, licensed and unlicensed, aged 12 and over.
  • Elles font l’Ariégeoise: open to everyone, female, licensed and unlicensed, aged 12 and over.
    A medical certificate or cycling license is obligatory.

Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult doing the same route (Passejade or Elles font l’Ariégeoise). This adult is considered the guardian of the child under 16 and must supervise them throughout the hike. The adult guardian may supervise their own child or children. A third party adult may only supervise one child. In both cases, it is mandatory to provide a parental authorization signed by both parents as well as a copy of both parents’ identity cards. In case of the guardian’s failure, the minor child(ren) must abandon the hike. All minors must provide a parental authorization.
The registration of a minor under 16 must be done through the adult who will validate the registration dossier.

It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure that their registration dossier is complete before collecting their bibs. In the absence of required documents, the participant will only be allowed to start under the hiking formula.



Registrations open on Monday, November 20, 2023, on the website www.cyclosport-ariegeoise.com
Limit of 5,300 entries for all routes combined.
Registrations close on Sunday, June 16, 2024, at 11:59 pm OR when the figure of 5,300 registered participants is reached.

Right of Withdrawal

As this is a distance selling contract for a leisure activity on a specified date, the right of withdrawal does not apply to event registration. For more details, please refer to the following website: https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F10485. Registration implies acceptance of this regulation. Registration is firm and final.

For participants registered for the Ariégeoise and Ariégeoise VTT, the organization offers a tasting pack of 3 “Destral” beers.


The meal is included in the registration fee.
If you do not wish to have it, remember to uncheck the box during registration. The cost of the meal will then be deducted.

For all routes: Ariégeoise, Mountagnole, Rapaillou, Passejades, Elles Font l’Ariégeoise FFC Others
Until December 31, 2023, at 11:59 pm with arrival meal €68 €72
Until December 31, 2023, at 11:59 pm without arrival meal €55 €59
For timed routes: Ariégeoise, Mountagnole, and Rapaillou FFC Others
From January 1, 2024, to May 12, 2024, at 11:59 pm with arrival meal €78 €82
From January 1, 2024, to May 12, 2024, at 11:59 pm without arrival meal €65 €69
From May 13, 2024, to June 16, 2024, at 11:59 pm with arrival meal €88 €92
From May 13, 2024, to June 16, 2024, at 11:59 pm without arrival meal €75 €79
For untimed routes: Passejades and Elles Font l’Ariégeoise FFC Others
From January 1, 2024, to June 16, 2024, at 11:59 pm with arrival meal €78 €82
From January 1, 2024, to June 16, 2024, at 11:59 pm without arrival meal €65 €69

OPTIONAL GALA DINNER (Saturday evening at 8:30 pm at Mercus Gymnasium) – €25


Bib numbers are assigned automatically according to the chosen route starting from 05/22/2024: from no. 1 to no. 2999 for Ariégeoise; from no. 3000 to no. 6999 for Mountagnole; from no. 7000 onwards for Passéjade/Passéjad’Elec and Rapaillou; from no. 8000 onwards for Elles Font l’Ariégeoise.

Priority Bibs

Cyclosportive riders who achieved a respectable ranking in another event and upon mandatory presentation of proof (diploma, ranking) will have priority at the starting line, subject to availability. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd categories will also have priority at the starting line, but these categories will only be considered for the scratch ranking (FFC regulations).

In addition to traditional criteria, an Otakam index below 25 for men and below 50 for women will grant you access to a priority bib (upon your request).

All priority bibs at the starting line are credited with the same time. The ranking of the top 3 in each race is based on crossing the finish line, not on time.

Registration Confirmation

A confirmation of bib allocation will be sent by email or mail for individuals without an email address.
All dossiers must be updated by June 23, 2024, by logging into the personal account using the credentials, to be considered complete.

Route Change

Route changes can be made, at no extra cost, upon written request via your account and support request until May 12, 2024. From this date, any route changes will be made at bib collection only on Friday, 06/28/2024, for an additional fee of €10 (modification requiring handling on the frame plate by our volunteers). No changes will be possible on Saturday, 06/29/2024.

Route change applies to a runner who wishes to switch from Ariégeoise to Mountagnole or Rapaillou or to one of the 2 Passejades and vice versa. Participants registered for Passejade or Elles font l’Ariégeoise (after 04/30/2024) who wish to change routes to participate in Ariégeoise, Mountagnole, or Rapaillou on the day of bib collection, must pay a fee of €20. This fee includes €10 for the route change and €10 for registration in one of the timed races (see Article 4 – Fees).


In case of genuine and serious reasons (accident, total incapacity, illness, death of a close relative, witness to a wedding) and upon mandatory presentation of proof, the participant may request either by email or by post:

  • A deferral of registration to the 2025 edition. The request must be made before 06/10/2024. After this date, only a refund of 80% can be requested.
  • A refund of 80%. The request must be made before 07/01/2024.
    After these dates and outside of these reasons, no deferral or refund will be considered. The refund will be processed within 2 months after the event.

If you are unable to participate in the event and your registration cannot be refunded or deferred, upon written request, the organization can send the jersey within 5 months after the event.
Any dossier collected on the day of the event will not be subject to any refund, deferral, or jersey shipping.


Final closure once the figure of 5300 registered participants is reached or at the latest on June 16, 2024, 11:59 pm.


The roads of the Ariégeoise are open to traffic throughout the event.
Participation in a mass event on public roads requires compliance with the highway code and any prefectural and/or municipal decrees, using only the right-hand side of the road, and ensuring one’s own safety by adjusting speed.

Support vehicles are prohibited, dangerous, disrespectful to other riders, and therefore unwelcome. Any participant with a personal support vehicle, caught by a steward, will be disqualified.

The participant acknowledges being aware that the chosen route is demanding. They declare to have received sufficient training and to have checked the weather forecasts for the route before starting.

To participate in an Ariégeoise, it is strongly recommended to have covered a minimum of 4,000 km and 25,000 m elevation gain since January 1st of the current year; for the Mountagnole and La Rapaillou a minimum of 2,500 km and 10,000 m elevation gain.

Passejade and Elles Font l’Ariégeoise are rides that require a minimum of preparation and physical conditioning. It is recommended to cover, starting from March 1st of the current year, 1,000 km of training and 5,000 m elevation gain.


Civil Liability: The organization has taken out a contract through the FFC insurer, Gras Savoye, which covers its Civil Liability as well as that of the participating riders, for material or bodily injury they may accidentally cause to third parties or themselves. It only applies on the official route and during the duration of the event, for participants regularly registered and checked at each checkpoint (timekeeping being binding).

Bodily Injury, personal accident insurance: In accordance with the provisions of article L321-4 of the Sports Code, the organization emphasizes the importance of taking out personal accident insurance covering bodily injuries to which participation in this event may expose them. It is the responsibility of participants to ensure themselves against this type of damage. Licensees must verify with their federation that they are sufficiently covered for bodily injuries incurred during their participation in this type of event. Otherwise, it is in their interest, as well as that of non-licensees, to take out at least the insurance offered, or other guarantees from the insurer of their choice.

In summary:

  • Personal insurance policies (related to family and home) are not valid for cyclosportives.
  • Civil Liability (“I harm someone”) is mandatory. It is the organizer who provides this coverage through its AXA-GRAS SAVOYE contract.
  • Personal Accident (“I harm myself alone”):
    • For all FFC licensees, it is the one linked to their license that is active in all cases.
    • For licensees from other federations (UFOLEP, FFCT, FFTRI, FSGT, etc …) and non-licensees, they are not covered for personal accident by the organization and must take out other guarantees from the insurer of their choice. This optional insurance is not mandatory but highly recommended.

Material damage and liability: Neither the organizer nor its insurer cover damages that may be suffered by the equipment and belongings of participants, especially in the event of a fall or theft. It is up to each individual to insure themselves against this type of risk with the insurer of their choice. Participants acknowledge the non-liability of the organizers for the surveillance of personal belongings or objects in the event of theft or loss. Objects, accessories, or bikes handed over to third parties (members of the organization or not) will be under the sole responsibility of the depositing participant.


You must ensure your own mechanical assistance.
However, the Ariégeoise offers technical assistance with breakdown and liaison. You will find mechanics and small supplies payable on-site along the route. If you were unable to make payment, an invoice will be sent to your home.
Appropriate medical assistance is provided by emergency doctors, ambulances, fixed Red Cross posts, liaisons with SAMU 09, and Firefighters.


The distribution of bibs will take place on Friday, 06/28/2024, in Tarascon sur Ariège from 9 am to 8 pm and on Saturday, 06/29 from 6 am to 7:30 am. The organization reserves the right, depending on weather conditions, to modify the start times of the various races.

The “start” check will open at 6:30 am. The start will be given in Tarascon/Ariège.

  • 8:00 am for the Ariégeoise,
  • 8:30 am for the Mountagnole,
  • 8:50 am for the Elles font l’Ariégeoise,
  • 9:00 am for the Passejad’Elec, Passejade, and La Rapaillou.

Before departure, it is mandatory to pass through the “rider area” corresponding to the chosen circuit for the control of electronic chips. A chip check may be carried out upon exiting the bib distribution at the timekeeper’s stand.

To ensure the smooth running of the event, the organization sets up various controls using electronic chips: at the start, along the route, and at the finish. Any participant not registered at one of the checkpoints will not be classified.

Any competitor outside the time limit and caught by the broom wagon must return their frame plate. If they wish to finish the course, they will do so at their own risk outside the organization’s security service. Organization stewards will remain in place at intersections until the communicated time limit. Beyond that, the road will no longer be secured, and refreshments will no longer be provided.

For all timed races, time limits are managed by the broom wagons with speeds of 18 km/h for the Ariégeoise, 15 km/h for the Mountagnole, 15 km/h for the Passejade, Elles Font l’Ariégeoise, and La Rapaillou. Participants whose times exceed the defined time limits will be directed to the lower race than the one they are registered for.

Time limits: Ariégeoise at 11:30 am at the D20/D107 intersection in the town of Belfort sur Rebenty.


The Ariégeoise Cyclosportive is a mountain event. Every participant must start with equipment compliant with regulations (brakes, new tires…) as well as clothing adapted to weather conditions.

Mandatory equipment:

  • Rigid approved helmet to be worn throughout the event regardless of the route,
  • Hydration system in sufficient quantity,
  • Bike prepared for use in high mountains (appropriate gear ratios, up-to-date mechanical overhaul).

Depending on weather conditions, the organization reserves the right to require protective clothing against cold or 2 filled bottles in case of very hot weather.

To ensure your safety and that of other participants, it is strictly forbidden to participate in the Ariégeoise Cyclosportive with:

  • a triathlon handlebar or any other type of extensions,
  • a recumbent bike,
  • an electrically assisted bike (e-bike).
    Exception: the Passéjad’Elec randosportif course is open to e-bikes 25km/h.


The cyclosportive routes will be timed and result in classifications and awards. The age considered is that determined by the year of birth except for 18-year-olds whose age must be reached. Professional and elite riders are ranked in the scratch but not by categories.

Only individuals present at the podium will be awarded.

Cyclosportive Routes

  • the top 3 in the scratch
  • the winners of each category
Men All routes
M1: 18 to 34 years old M6: 55 to 59 years old
M2: 35 to 39 years old M7: 60 to 64 years old
M3: 40 to 44 years old M8: 65 to 69 years old
M4: 45 to 49 years old M9: 70 years old and +
M5: 50 to 54 years old HH: handicapped
Women All routes
F1: 18 to 34 years old F6: 55 to 59 years old
F2: 35 to 39 years old F7: 60 to 64 years old
F3: 40 to 44 years old F8: 65 to 69 years old
F4: 45 to 49 years old F9: 70 years old and +
F5: 50 to 54 years old HF: handicapped

The Passéjade, Passéjad’Elec, and Elles font l’Ariégeoise are randos-sportives that do not result in any timing or ranking.

Other Awards

  • The most represented club
  • The youngest and oldest for the rando-sportive

Gold Label Trophy

The Ariégeoise is part of the 2024 Gold Label Trophy.
As the regulations of the Gold Label Trophy have not yet been defined, we await precise information to communicate on our website.

Occitanie Cyclosportive Trophy

The Ariégeoise is part of the 2024 Occitanie Trophy. The regulations of the Occitanie Trophy have not yet been defined, so we await precise information to communicate.


Participants in the Ariégeoise, Mountagnole, and Rapaillou will be eligible to receive diplomas with the mention GOLD – SILVER – BRONZE (see DIPLOMAS).
Participants in La Passéjade and Elles Font l’Ariégeoise will receive a certificate of participation in the event.
The diploma is available and can only be downloaded for free on www.cyclosport-ariegeoise.com.


Every participant in an Ariégeoise event expressly authorizes the organizer, as well as its assignees or beneficiaries such as partners and media, to use the results, still images, or audiovisual materials in which they may appear during the event, on all media including promotional and advertising materials, worldwide and for the longest duration permitted by law, regulations, or treaties. Any disagreement with this clause must be reported by mail to the Ariégeoise Cyclo Club at the time of registration.


In accordance with current legislation, the participant has the right to access, rectify, or oppose computerized personal data concerning them. This data may be used, transferred, rented, or exchanged, notably for results and the press.


Zero Waste Operation: The Ariégeoise has been certified as a Green Event in Ariège and commits to the “Zero Waste” operation. A special area marked by green nets will be set up near the refreshment points.
Any participant caught throwing waste into the natural environment will be automatically disqualified from the event.


If circumstances require it, the Ariégeoise reserves the right to modify the course, the location of refreshment points and timing points, the distance to be covered, or to postpone the date and/or times of the event at any time.
If the event is canceled due to force majeure or by prefectural decision for a reason not attributable to the organizer, the organization is released from any recourse by the participants. No refund will be made.


Participation in the Ariégeoise implies the express acceptance by each participant of the regulations. Any interpretation or complaint concerning the event, the regulations, or their application must be addressed in writing to the organizer.
In the event of a dispute over foreign translations, the French regulations prevail.
The organization reserves the right to make modifications and updates to these regulations at any time. The modifications will apply immediately.