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Saturday 28th June 2025

Regulations VTT


The Ariégeoise VTT is a tour for mountain bikes and electric bikes, organised under the aegis of the Fédération Française Vélo. The event will take place on Sunday 30 June 2024 and will offer 4 routes starting from the town of Ax les Thermes.

  • La Calpujade: 28 km – 800 m D+ (altitude gain)
  • La Caminole: 40 km – 1200 m D+ climb
  • La Plasuzat: 60 km – 2200 m D+ (over 10,000 ft)
  • L’Ariégeoise VTT 77 km – 2700 m D+: compulsory guidance system. The GPS guidance track will be sent to each participant in the Ariégeoise VTT 2 days before the event. Do not use the GPX track after the ride, as private areas have been authorised for the day only. Do not post the GPS track on route-sharing websites.

Optional new feature for all routes at no extra cost

Downhill from Ax 3 Domaines: 8 km – 700 m D-: on arrival at Ax-Les-Thermes, if you wish, you can take the free cable car up to Ax 3 Domaines for an optional 8 km downhill run. Access to the Baou cable car is valid only once, thanks to the “pass” supplied in your runner’s pack.

The time barrier for the cable car ride up to Ax-3-Domaines is 4.00 p.m. from Ax-Les-Thermes.

These 4 rides are not timed and have no ranking.


At the time of registration, all participants acknowledge that they have read these rules and those of the Fédération Française Vélo, accept the clauses in their entirety and accept the risks associated with their participation, in particular the risks of health, falls and collisions, as well as the risks associated with road traffic and weather conditions. Each participant accepts the risks associated with broken equipment.


Mountain biking:

  • The 4 courses are open to all, both licence-holders and non-licence-holders, over 18 years of age on the day of the event. Except on the Calpujade, which will be open to licensed minors (FFvélo, FFC, UFOLEP, FFtri, FSGT) aged over 14 (accompanied by an adult) and on the Caminole from 16 years old.
  • Electrically-assisted mountain bikes (EABVs) are permitted on the proposed routes. The length of the routes may prove problematic for VTTAEs whose autonomy would not allow them to cover the full distance. Riders equipped with a VTTAE undertake not to modify their electrically-assisted bicycle so that it retains its assistance function, its speed limited to 25 km/h and a motor power of less than 250 watts. The federal insurer takes into account the electrically-assisted bicycle used in accordance with the procedures defined above by the Fédération Française de Cyclotourisme.
  • The use of GRAVEL bikes, racing bikes, outdoor elliptical bikes, recumbent bikes and unicycles is prohibited.

All participants must complete the registration form on the Ariégeoise website. Although not compulsory, participants are advised to provide either a medical certificate stating that they are fit to mountain bike or a valid mountain bike licence.

It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure that his or her registration file is complete before collecting the race numbers. Failure to do so will result in the participant being disqualified.


  • Registrations

Registration opens on Monday 20 November 2023 at 10.00 a.m. at www.cyclosport-ariegeoise.com
Limited to 600 entrants for all routes.
Entries close on Sunday 23 June 2024 at 23:59. It will be possible to register on site on 30/06/2024, if the number of 600 registrants has not been reached by 23/06/2024.
For participants registered in the Ariégeoise and Ariégeoise VTT, the organisers are offering a tasting pack of 3 “Destral” beers.

  • Prices

Prices depend on the registration period.
There is a €10 surcharge for on-site registrations.

Online registration from 20/11/2023 to 23/06/2024
L’Ariégeoise VTT and La Plasuzat €30
La Calpujade et Caminole €25
On-site registrations if 600 registrants have not been reached by 23/06/2024
L’Ariégeoise VTT and La Plasuzat  €40
La Calpujade and Caminole €35

From 22/05/2024, frame numbers will be allocated by computer, depending on the route chosen:
– for the Calpujade from n° 9000 to n° 9249,
– for the Caminole from n° 9250 to n° 9499,
– for the Plasuzat from n° 9500 to n° 9749
– for the Ariégeoise VTT from n° 9750 and above.

Applications must be updated to ensure they are complete before 24/06/2024 by logging on to the personal account using the login and password.
Confirmation of the allocation of race numbers will be sent by e-mail or post if you do not have an e-mail address.
Any change of route may be made on the day of the ride by notifying the organisers or the volunteer at the route change points.

Only requests for reimbursement directly linked to the following serious reasons will be considered by the organiser: accident, total incapacity, illness. Refunds will be made within 2 months of the event, and only on written request to the Ariégeoise Cyclo Club, received before 01/07/2024 (date of postmark), with a medical certificate or official supporting document. In this case, 80% of the registration fee will be refunded. After this date and for any other reason, no refund will be made.


Entries close on Sunday 23 June 2024 at 11.59 p.m.
On-site registration possible on Sunday 30 June from 7.00 a.m. if 600 entries have not been received by 23/06/2024.


The roads crossed by the routes are open to traffic for the duration of the event.
Taking part in a mountain bike event on a public road implies complying with the highway code and any prefectural and/or municipal by-laws, using only the right-hand side of the road and ensuring your own safety by adapting your speed.

The organisers advise participants to arrive at the start having made a serious physical preparation. The participant acknowledges that he/she is aware that the route chosen is demanding. He/she declares that he/she has had sufficient training and has informed himself/herself of the weather forecasts for the route before setting off.

The organiser will put in place a number of measures to ensure the safety of the route: signposting, route assistants indicating some of the dangerous areas, signs indicating some of the passages requiring particular attention. Participants must comply with the safety instructions given by the organisers throughout the route. The “race safety” system will come to an end at the finish line. For the safety of all, it is essential that each participant respects, on the course which will be marked by material means (arrows, tape, GPS tracks) and human means (physical person “orienteers”), THE CODE OF THE ROAD, as well as any instructions given by the organisation, or by the forces of law and order.

The proposed routes include roads open to traffic. By taking part in the ride, you undertake to remain extremely vigilant. This vigilance will have to be reinforced on footpaths open to traffic, and at intersections. Security personnel will be present at certain intersections/road crossings to facilitate the passage of riders, although they will not be able to ensure priority passage. Cyclists do not have priority over other road users.


Except in the case of injury, if a participant wishes to abandon, he must do so at the repatriation points set up by the organiser. In this case, the participant must notify the station manager, who will permanently invalidate his or her frame number. In the absence of any information on an abandonment, the participant will have to bear the costs incurred in searching for him or her. Means of repatriation for participants who have abandoned and bicycles will be set up in each of these zones. It is essential that participants do not overstay their finishing times. Time limits for the pick-up points will be set and communicated to participants (on the Ariégeoise website). These time limits will correspond to the times from which it will no longer be possible to leave the location indicated, except to follow the alternative routes defined by sector in the event of force majeure. Participants who do not leave the pick-up points before the set time will be disqualified. Repatriation facilities for participants and bikes will be set up in each of these zones. The organisers will set up an end-of-race system to follow the last competitor.


Civil liability: the organisation has taken out a contract through its insurer covering its civil liability and that of the participants involved, for any damage to property or personal injury they may accidentally cause to third parties or to each other. It only takes effect on the official route and for the duration of the event for participants duly registered and checked at each checkpoint.

Bodily injury, personal accident insurance: in accordance with the provisions of Article L321-4 of the French Sports Code, the organisers would like to stress the importance of taking out a personal accident insurance policy covering any personal injury to which participants may be exposed as a result of taking part in this event. It is the responsibility of participants to take out insurance to cover this type of damage. Licence holders should check with their federation that they are adequately covered for personal injury incurred when taking part in this type of event. If not, it is in their interest, as well as that of non-licensed riders, to take out, as a minimum, the proposed insurance, or other cover with the insurer of their choice.

Material damage and liability: neither the organiser nor its insurer will cover any damage to participants’ equipment, particularly in the event of falls or theft. It is the responsibility of each participant to insure themselves against this type of risk with the insurer of their choice. Participants acknowledge that the organisers cannot be held responsible for the surveillance of personal belongings in the event of theft or loss. Any objects, accessories or bicycles handed over to third parties (whether members of the organisation or not) will be done so under the full responsibility of the participant handing them in.


You will need to provide your own mechanical assistance.
L’Ariégeoise offers you appropriate medical assistance: fixed Red Cross posts, doctors in liaison with SAMU 09 and the fire brigade.



The start gate will open at 7.15am. The start will be given in Ax les Thermes

  • from 7.30am to 7.45am for the Ariégeoise VTT
  • from 7.45 a.m. to 8.00 a.m. for the Plasuzat
  • from 8.00 am to 8.15 am for the Caminole
  • 8.15am to 8.30am for the Calpujade

To ensure that the ride runs smoothly, the organisers will be carrying out various checks using frame numbers: at the start and at the finish.
Any competitor who fails to meet the time limit will be required to surrender his or her frame number. If they wish to finish the course, they will do so under their own responsibility, without the assistance of the organisers’ safety service. The organisation’s course assistants will remain in place at the crossroads until the time barrier is reached. After this time, the course will no longer be safe and refreshments will no longer be provided.
In the event of a competitor falling, it is the responsibility of each participant to stop and sound the alarm. Any competitor giving assistance to another participant during the ride must make himself known at the finish.


The Ariegeoises mountain bike races are mountain events. All participants must start with equipment that complies with the regulations (brakes, tyres in good condition, etc.) as well as clothing suited to the weather conditions.
For safety reasons and to ensure that the race runs smoothly, each participant must comply with the following regulations in terms of equipment. Each participant must present himself at the start of the race with his helmet on his head, chinstrap fastened, and keep it on for the duration of the race. If the compulsory equipment is not present, the competitor will not be allowed to take part in the race. If the compulsory equipment is not worn, the organiser cannot be held responsible for any incidents or their consequences.

Compulsory equipment :

  • Approved rigid helmet, to be worn throughout the event, whatever the route,
  • Sufficient hydration system,
  • Mobile phone,
  • Bicycle prepared for high mountain use (appropriate gear ratios, up to date mechanical service),
  • For long tours : whistle, survival blanket, waterproof windbreaker.

Depending on the weather conditions, the organisers reserve the right to require protective clothing against the cold.

Recommended equipment :

  • A water bag or rucksack is recommended,
  • Long gloves,
  • elbow pads,
  • a mountain bike with hydraulic disc brakes.

To ensure your safety and that of other participants, it is strictly forbidden to take part in the Ariégeoises VTT with :

  • a triathlete’s handlebar or any other type of extension. Bar ends are permitted.
  • Audio devices (walkman, iPod, speakers) are totally forbidden during the event.


All participants in an Ariégeoise Cyclo Club event expressly authorise the organiser and its successors or assigns, such as partners and the media, to use the results, still or audiovisual images in which they may appear during the event, in all media, including promotional and advertising documents, throughout the world and for the longest period provided for by law, regulations or treaties. Any disagreement with this clause must be notified in writing to the Ariégeoise Cyclo Club at the time of registration.


In accordance with the legislation in force, participants have the right to access, rectify or object to any personal computer data concerning them. This data may be used, transferred, hired out or exchanged, in particular for results and press purposes.


Operation Zero Waste: The Ariégeoise VTT has been awarded the Manifestation Verte d’Ariège label and is committed to Operation Zero Waste.
In order to respect the environment and the natural areas crossed, it is strictly forbidden to leave waste (paper, plastic packaging, etc.) on the course. Rubbish bins will be available at each refreshment post and “collection zones” will be set up and signposted at various points along the route. Participants must use these areas. Participants must keep their rubbish and packaging until the Organiser has indicated a place to dispose of it.
The organiser reserves the right to disqualify participants who deliberately dispose of their rubbish outside the designated areas.


If circumstances so require, the Ariégeoise reserves the right to modify the route, the position of the refreshment posts, the distance to be covered, or to postpone the date and/or times of the event at any time.
In view of the current health crisis, the organisers may be obliged to cancel the event.
In the event of cancellation due to a health crisis, and solely for this reason, the organisers will transfer your entry to the Ariégeoises VTT 2025 or refund your registration fee within 2 months of the event, upon written request.

If the event is cancelled for reasons of force majeure or by decision of the prefecture for a reason beyond the organiser’s control, the organisers will be relieved of all recourse for entrants. No reimbursement will be made.


Participation in the Ariégeoise implies express acceptance by each competitor of the regulations.
Participants undertake to respect all volunteers, road users, the public and other participants.
Any interpretation or complaint concerning the event, the rules or their application must be addressed in writing to the organiser.
In the event of a dispute over foreign translations, the French regulations shall prevail.
The organisers reserve the right to amend and update these regulations at any time. Changes will apply immediately.